The open-source toolbox for eye tracking

PyGaze - documentation - libscreen

The screen library is used to create Display and Screen objects, to communicate with a computer monitor and to prepare stimuli in the background.

The Display object is used to directly communicate with the computer monitor. Calling the fill method will change the contents of the Display. Calling the show method will refresh the monitor, using the current contents of the Display. Usually, you will want to use only one Display per experiment.

A Screen object is used to prepare a stimulus display, without directly showing it. You can use as many Screen objects as you want and doing so is generaly a Good Idea. It is advised to do as much of the preparing of Screens during parts of your experiment where timing is not crucial, for example at the beginning of your experiment or at the beginning of a single trial.

A Screen object has methods for directly drawing all sorts of stimuli, including rectangles, circles, text and images. If, however, you miss certain functionality, it is possibly to use PyGame or PsychoPy (depending on which DISPTYPE you use) to directly add stimuli to your Screen object. You can do this, by using a Screen object's screen property, which is either a PyGame Surface or a list of PsychoPy stimuli. An example:

PsychoPy example PyGame example

# example: PsychoPy code on PyGaze objects
# import stuff
from pygaze import libscreen
from psychopy.visual import GratingStim

# create Display object
disp = libscreen.Display(disptype='psychopy')

# create Screen object
coolscreen = libscreen.Screen(disptype='psychopy')

# create Gabor stimulus, using PsychoPy's GratingStim
# note that you need to provide a PsychoPy Window object
# as the first argument for the GratingStim; the
# expdisplay property of a Display item is precisely
# what you need!
gabor = GratingStim(disp.expdisplay, tex='sin', mask='gauss',pos=(0,0), sf=0.01, size=200, ori=90)

# add your gabor to the Screen

# now show as you would normally do

# example: PyGame code on PyGaze objects
# import stuff
from pygaze import libscreen
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *

# create Display object
disp = libscreen.Display(disptype='pygame')

# create Screen object
coolscreen = libscreen.Screen(disptype='pygame')

# draw some text on the screen
coolscreen.draw_text(text="This text is mirrored!")

# mirror the text (over the vertical axis), using a PyGame function
coolscreen.screen = pygame.transform.flip(coolscreen.screen, True, False)

# now show as you would normally do






keyword arguments
disptype type of display: either 'pygame' or 'psychopy' (default = DISPTYPE)
dispsize size of the display in pixels: a (width, height) tuple (default = DISPSIZE)
fgc the foreground colour: a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255)) (default = FGC)
bgc the background colour: a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255)) (default = BGC)
screennr the screen number: 0, 1 etc. (default = SCREENNR)

Updates ('flips') the display

keyword arguments

time the exact refresh time when disptype is PsychoPy, or an estimate when disptype is PyGame

Updates part(s) of the screen to given specified screen (only works when disptype is PyGame; when disptype is PsychoPy the entire display is updated)
rect a single or a list of rects; a rect is a (x,y,w,h) tuple or list

keyword arguments
screen the screen of which the specified rects should be updated to the display (default = None)

time the exact refresh time when disptype is PsychoPy, an estimate when disptype is PyGame

Fills the screen with the background colour or specified screen, NOT updating it (call to actually show the new display contents)

keyword arguments
screen the screen that should be drawn to the display or None to fill the display with its background colour

None draws every stimulus in screen.screen (PsychoPy) or blits screen.screen to the expdisplay property (PyGame)

Closes the Display, preventing further output from the Display object to the monitor (making your OS visible again)

keyword arguments

None closes the Window object self.expdisplay (PsychoPy) or calls pygame.display.quit() (PyGame)


A class for Screen objects, for visual stimuli (to be displayed via a Display object)

keyword arguments
disptype type of display: either 'pygame' or 'psychopy' (default = DISPTYPE)
dispsize size of the display in pixels: a (width, height) tuple (default = DISPSIZE)
fgc the foreground colour: a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255)) (default = FGC)
bgc the background colour: a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255)) (default = BGC)
screen a libscreen.Screen object to be presented on the new Screen (default=None)

Creates a new Screen object, filled with either the background colour or specified screen; for internal use: gets called upon initialization

keyword arguments
screen a libscreen.Screen object, to be displayed on the new screen or None for the background colour

None sets the self.screen property to a PyGame Surface or a list of PsychoPy stimuli, depending on the disptype

Clears the screen and fills it with a colour

keyword arguments
colour the colour to fill the screen with (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or None for the default background colour, self.bgc (default = None)

None clears self.screen (PsychoPy) or fills it with a colour (PyGame)

Copies a Screen to the current Screen
screen a libscreen.Screen object

keyword arguments

None sets the self.screen property to a copy of screen.screen

Draws a circle on the Screen

keyword arguments
colour colour for the circle (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc (default = None)
pos circle center, a (x,y) position tuple or None for a central position (default = None)
r circle radius (default = 50)
pw penwidth: circle line thickness (default = 1)
fill Boolean indicating whether the circle should be filled or not (default = False)

None draws a circle on (PyGame) or adds a Circle stimulus to (PsychoPy) the self.screen property

Draws an ellipse on the Screen

keyword arguments
colour colour for the ellipse (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc (default = None)
x x coordinate of the rectangle in which the ellipse is drawn or None for a horizontal centrally drawn ellipse (default = None)
y y coordinate of the rectangle in which the ellipse is drawn or None for a vertical centrally drawn ellipse (default = None)
w width of the rectangle in which the ellipse is drawn (default = 50)
h height of the rectangle in which the ellipse is drawn (default = 50)
pw penwidth: ellipse line thickness (default = 1)
fill Boolean indicating whether the ellipse should be filled or not (default = False)

None draws an ellipse on (PyGame) or adds a GratinsStim stimulus to (PsychoPy) self.screen

Draws a rectangle on the Screen

keyword arguments
colour colour for the rectangle (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc (default = None)
x x coordinate of the rectangle or None for a horizontal centrally drawn rectangle (default = None)
y y coordinate of the rectangle or None for a vertical centrally drawn rectangle (default = None)
w width of the rectangle (default = 50)
h height of the rectangle (default = 50)
pw penwidth: rectangle line thickness (default = 1)
fill Boolean indicating whether the rectangle should be filled or not (default = False)

None draws a rectangle on (PyGame) or adds a GratinsStim stimulus to (PsychoPy) self.screen

Draws a line on the Screen

keyword arguments
colour colour for the line (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc (default = None)
spos line start, a (x,y) position tuple or None for a quarter x and a central y position (default = None)
epos line end, a (x,y) position tuple or None for a three-quarter x and a central y position (default = None)
pw penwidth: line thickness (default = 1)

None draws a line on (PyGame) or adds a Line stimulus to (PsychoPy) self.screen

Draws a polygon on the Screen
pointlist a list of (x,y) tuples indicating the cornerpoints of the polygon

keyword arguments
colour colour for the polygon (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc (default = None)
pw penwidth: polygon line thickness (default = 1)
fill Boolean indicating whether the polygon should be filled or not (default = False)

None draws a polygon on (PyGame) or adds a ShapeStim stimulus to (PsychoPy) the self.screen property

Draws a fixation mark (cross, x or dot) on the Screen

keyword arguments
fixtype type of fixation mark, should be either of the following strings:
fixtype description
'cross' a '+'
'x' a 'x'
'dot' a filled circle
colour colour for the fixation mark (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc (default = None)
pos fixation mark center, a (x,y) position tuple or None for a central position (default = None)
pw penwidth: fixation line thickness (default = 1)
diameter diameter of the fixation mark in pixels (default = 12)

None draws on (PyGame) or adds stimuli to (PsychoPy) self.screen

Draws a text on the Screen

keyword arguments
text string to be displayed; newlines ('\n') are allowed and will be recognized (default = 'text')
colour colour for the text (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc (default = None)
pos text position, an (x,y) position tuple or None for a central position (default = None)
font font name (a string value); should be the name of a font included in the PyGaze resources/fonts directory (default = 'mono')
fontsize fontsize in pixels (an integer value) (default = 12)
antialias Boolean indicating whether text should be antialiased or not (default = True)

None renders and draws a surface with text on (PyGame) or adds a SimpleTextStim to (PsychoPy) self.screen

Draws an image on the Screen
image a full path to an image file, a PIL Image, or a PyGame Surface (Surface only available with 'pygame' DISPTYPE)

keyword arguments
pos image center position, an (x,y) position tuple or None for a central position (default = None)
scale scale factor for the image (e.g. 0.5 for half size, or 2.0 for double size), or None for no scaling (default = None)

None loads and draws an image surface on (PyGame) or adds an ImageStim to (PsychoPy) self.screen

Set the Screen background colour to colour

keyword arguments
colour new background colour (a colour name (e.g. 'red') or a RGB(A) tuple (e.g. (255,0,0) or (255,0,0,255))) or None for the default foreground colour, self.fgc (default = None)

None sets self.bgc

full source

You can find the full source code for on GitHub.

© copyright 2013-2014, Edwin S. Dalmaijer